by Jake Thompson

Good Things Will Happen

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing t...

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – Newt Gingrich

Success always has been – and always will be – a matter of pushing forward just one-to-two more steps when you think you can’t go on. When you’ve been defeated numerous times. When it feels as if you’ll never get there.

Just take these great examples:

  • Dr. Seuss – his first book was rejected by 23 publishers. The 24th finally said “yes” and sold six million copies.
  • Michael Jordan – Jordan was “cut” from his varsity team as a sophomore and played J.V. His hallmark drive & determination went on to fuel the greatest basketball career – ever.
  • Stephen Spielberg – was rejected from USC’s School of Cinematic arts twice. Spielberg believed in his abilities & went on to eventually gain acceptance & build a storied cinematic career. (His steps for overcoming rejection here is a fantastic read.)

How about we add your name to this list too?


The post Good Things Will Happen appeared first on Compete Every Day.

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