by Jake Thompson

Kady Allender

No tears in 2016. Missed qualifying but I left with my head held ...
Kady Allender

No tears in 2016. Missed qualifying but I left with my head held high and was pleased with how far I had come physically & mentally.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

 I was born in Virginia and then lived in 5 other states before finding Texas. My family is small, my mother & younger brother and sister. It was my mother who showed me what it means to work hard. She worked full time, went to school for her undergrad and master while raising us 3 solo. I Went to middle school and high school in Bastrop. If I wasn’t studying for classes I was on the soccer field or running for cross country or track.

I went to Texas A&M after graduation working towards a degree in Computer Graphics and Animation. I then took a quick turn to Kinesiology-Applied Exercise Physiology. Graduated college looking for a job in Cardiac Rehab and did personal training while I searched. Ended up really enjoying it. Got my 1st CrossFit Coaching position a 1.5 years after graduating. This is also where I met my now husband, Cody. We just got married in Fiji! 

2. What’s a typical day look like for you?


My day typically starts at 4:45am. I get up and head to Easy is Evil Crossfit where I coach, do personal training and am the Operations Manger. I coach anywhere from 6-9 classes/clients a day. Between classes I do admin work, workout, run errands or go home to play with my 10 year old border collie/blue heeler. My work day usually ends around 8pm. I then head home to have dinner with my husband, sneak table scraps to my dog & fall asleep on the couch. 

3. What’s one life goal you’re currently pursuing outside of fitness?

My life goal is to one day own my own business. I am currently shadowing my bosses and learning how their business operates, why they do things the way they do and how things work behind the scenes. They are also working on expanding their business which I will get to be apart of.

4. What does it mean to you to Compete Every Day?

To compete every day to me means that I give 100% of myself into whatever I’m doing. That I work hard regardless the outcome. It can be for work, workouts or just life. 

5. What is one obstacle you’re proud you’ve overcome?

My mental strength has always been weak. I was lucky that I have always been athletic and anything I wanted to compete for or achieve I did…..until I got into weightlifting. 2 years in a row I trained to qualify for the American Open. In 2015 I boomed out on my snatches 4 meets in a row. I cried on the platform almost every week. I was so frustrated that I was working so hard but it wasn’t showing. In 2015 I missed qualifying for the American Open. I was devastated. I was depressed. I was being very hard on myself.

My husband (then fiance & coach) sat me down and told me I’d never get any better till I was ok with missing lifts. That I needed to remember I lift becomes I enjoy it.  Seems simple but not something easy for me to do. So I did. I started by meditating & switched coaches(now I train with Ursula Garza Papandrea). Went into 2016 ready to put in the work but also happy with whatever happens. No tears in 2016. Missed qualifying but I left with my head held high and was pleased with how far I had come physically & mentally. 

7. What/who do you compete for?

I compete for my family who has supported me from day 1. I compete for my members/clients. They put in the work for me so I put in the work for them. I also compete for my husband. He always stands by me no matter what my goals are. He keeps me balanced and sane.

Connect with Kady: Instagram | Twitter

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