by Jake Thompson

Drake Biolo

I compete for my Godmother who passed away from brain cancer, she...
Drake Biolo

I compete for my Godmother who passed away from brain cancer, she was one of my biggest supporters and I will always remember how she never gave up on me.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m 16 and a  junior in high school and a 3 sport athlete with plans to either go to college for game design. physical therapy, or join the Army.

2. What’s a typical day look like for you?


What’s a typical day look like for you? Most days I will wake up at 6ish and go to school till 3. After that I have sports or training for 2 hours. 

3. What’s one goal you’re currently training to accomplish by December 31, 2017?

I’m working to be able to squat 500 lbs by December 31st.

4. What’s one life goal you’re currently pursuing outside of fitness?

I’m working on making sure I keep a 3.7 or higher GPA so I can attend any college I want.

5. What does it mean to you to Compete Every Day?

It means that regardless of the situation I’m placed in I’ll always try my best to be my best.

6. What is one obstacle you’re proud you’ve overcome?

When I was younger I was very out of shape and I’m proud to have gotten back into better shape.

7. What/who do you compete for?

I compete for my Godmother who passed away from brain cancer, she was one of my biggest supporters and I will always remember how she never gave up on me.

Connect with Drake: Instagram

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