by Jake Thompson

Ashley Hadley

One quote I came across, that really defines the meaning of Compe...
Ashley Hadley

One quote I came across, that really defines the meaning of Compete Every Day to me is this… ‘The difficult is what takes a little time, the impossible is what takes a little longer.’

1. Tell us about yourself

Who am I? Why is that such a tough question 🤔 I am… a go getter, a dreamer, and a goal seeker. I was born and raised in Colorado and absolutely love it here. I am a dental assistant by day☀️and crossfiter by night⭐️!

2. What’s a typical day look like for you?


I wake up and eat, go to work/ (think about training), eat, train, eat, and then sleep/ (dream about training)… and talk to my twin a couple dozen times in between all that.

3. What’s one goal you’re currently pursuing outside of fitness?

Finding good in every situation no matter what. I don’t have all that many goals outside of fitness right now, but I really just try to incorporate the strength and motivation I feel when I achieve my fitness goals, into my daily life.

4. What does it mean to you to Compete Every Day?

It means that you never give up on yourself or others. One quote I came across, that really defines the meaning of CED to me is this… “The difficult is what takes a little time, the impossible is what takes a little longer”

It means going the distance, and taking every day as an opportunity to get better! And then continuing to do the Every Single Day.

5. What/who do you compete for?

I compete for the strength in my body, mind, and heart. I compete to be a better person everyday and inspire as many people as I can along the way. We are all capable of anything we set our mind to so why not choose to compete…

Connect with Ashley: Instagram

The post Why I Compete: Ashley Calvin appeared first on Compete Every Day.

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