by Jake Thompson

Five Most Popular: July

Each month, we’ll highlight the five most popular Compete Every Day...

Each month, we’ll highlight the five most popular Compete Every Day items in our online store that the community picked!

Dallas Strong

1. Dallas Strong (Preorder) – Link

Our Dallas Strong fundraiser shirt (with 100% of proceeds benefitting Assist the Officer Foundation Dallas) was our hottest selling item this month. Over 790 total shirts & tanks supporting the local nonprofit & families of officers shot during the July 7 downtown attack. The demand was so overwhelming we are opening up a second round of preorders on August 1-10, with items shipping by end of month.

Life Is Worth Competing For Tanktop

2. Life Is Worth Competing For (Muscle Tank) – link

Salute: Fourth of July Muscle Tank


3. Salute (Muscle Tank) – link

Set Goal Men's Shirt

4. Set Goals (Men’s Shirt) – link

Coffee and Squats Muscle Tanks

5. Coffee & Squats (Muscle Tank) – link


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